Woo Hoo! February 19 has been designated National Drink Wine Day!
Many of our local wineries have been holding tastings at their shops & out at the local liquor stores with samples of their fare.
Some even have sales while their stock lasts, so now is the time to get your favourites so you can enjoy them tomorrow!
I made sure I have appropriate glasses; buying six new crystal bowls! (only 4 fit on my shelf tho...)
Now to go out & find some faves to sample! I'm very fortunate to live in the Okanagan; Napa of the North, there's even a wine tour called that!!
My friend David also runs afun wine tasting tour as the Barefoot Sommelier when he's not baking bread for Barefoot Bread!
Our local association of wineries in Summerland, BC, is called Bottle Neck Drive & I can even walk to a few of them.
Have a great day figuring out what you want to have!