
You can't sell Real Estate, you're a stay at home mom...

Real Estate Agent with Melson Realty CA BRE 01723155

You can’t sell real estate; you’re a stay at home mom.



That’s what I was told in 2005, when my daughter was 9 and my son was 4. My husband worked full time in another town, and was home only in the evenings and on weekends.



I obtained my license December of 2005. I scheduled my appointments and cold calling during the evening and weekends.



My experienced desk partner was a man that told me he had been in the business for many years and he sees women like me start real estate careers all the time and they never succeed.


My first year was so difficult, but I earned an “Up and Coming” award from my office. The next year, I surpassed my goal, and earned my first “Top Producer” award! In fact, over the past 9 years, I have been out producing my original desk partner that told me – women like you come and go, but never succeed.


I’m here to say, he was wrong. I will succeed, and have been succeeding the past 10 years. I love what I do as a mother, and as a Realtor!




This is my entry for the Active Rain Challenge - Winning over the Naysayers - In real estate and life, we are always faced with Naysayers, this story discusses one of my challenges.