
Create Immediate Financial Impact in Your Real Estate Biz

Education & Training with Karen Coffey VIP Real Estate Coaching

Create Immediate Financial Impact in Your Biz  

It’s Karen and remember how I shared with you last week the first step of how I went from Homeless to over $100,000 in income in less than 6 months in a brand new market?

It was titled ‘STOP being an Agent and START being a Business Owner’? That was only Step 1 of 3 steps. If you missed last week’s content filled article you can Click Here to catch up on all the juicy hoopla (sp?)

But let’s keep moving forward so you can start implementing right away…

Today, I want to share with you Step 2 of 3 that you can take immediately that will make the difference between struggling and pain, living paycheck to paycheck, to a life where you have more than enough, more than consistent paychecks, and more to be grateful for 

I’ve heard Tony Robbins say once

“Repetition is the Mother of Skill”

I’ve also heard him say

“Repetitious Boredom will Bring you Great Success!”

It’s similar to the saying ‘discipline = freedom’

But the entrepreneurial, free-flowing, creative thinker called the real estate agent doesn’t want anything to do with repetition, boredom, or discipline!

You got into real estate for:

  1. The financial opportunity
  2. The flexibility
  3. And the lack of repetition. (You love that there’s something fun and unusual happening all the time.)

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but

Flexibility is what is keeping you broke, unorganized, and overwhelmed.

Step 2 (of 3) Punch a Time Clock

No one wants a boss looking over their shoulder, watching them punch a time clock…how ridiculous! But if you don’t start punching your own time clock you’re going to be very dissatisfied with how far you can go in your real estate career.

If you were running a brick and mortar business (ie: retail store, grocery, hardware store) and hired someone to help you mind the store, would you give them regular work hours?

Or would you tell them to come in to the store when they felt like getting dressed, after they checked all their email and social media sites, or whenever they felt like getting out of the house?

Of course not!

You wouldn’t tell them that because you know they will be more productive and more disciplined if they come into the office at a designated time, dressed, locked and loaded, where they are ready to do the work you have assigned them.

So my question to you? Do you have a regular work schedule and if not, who is minding your store?

If you don’t have regular hours, a regular schedule, then no one is taking care of your business, no one is minding your store.

When I travel around the country talking with agents about their income and organization challenges, it always comes back to keeping a consistent routine and schedule.  They already know what to do to get more business, they’re just not doing it.

Here’s How to Create Immediate Financial Impact in Your Biz!

Get into your office M-F from 8:30 – 12:00

Commit to effective lead generation (finding now business) during that time

Spend every afternoon on listing/buyer appointments

Then you’re

  • minding your store
  • being proactive
  • keeping a schedule
  • richer, wealthier
  • happier
  • more successful
  • feeling more accomplished

This step changed everything in my business moving me from a challenging money situation to consistent cash flow. It was this decision to keep a consistent regular schedule that forced me to do the things I already knew I needed to do to attract now leads and to find people that I enjoyed doing business with.

Try this for 1 week and let me know how it goes for you.

Next week I’ll be sharing the 3rd and final step to Creating Immediate Financial Impact in Your Biz!

In the meantime download my free 6-Figure Fastest Path to Real Estate Cash E-book and Audio series by clicking