
building in Big Canoe

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If you are thinking about building in Big Canoe lot selection is  a critical first step. The folks here at All Mountain Realty are the people you should work with during this first step. Here is why.

1 Lot price can be a deceiving factor when budgeting. If you think the less you pay for the lot the better off you are you may be in for an unpleasant surprise. In our mountains the taken for granted concrete can be very expensive. If the lot you by has a sharp slope you may spend an extra 40,000 plus for concrete retaining walls. Also depending on your elevation trucks may not be able to deliver full loads. You will however be charged for a full load and multiple extra trips will add up. All this is assuming that you do not have to bring in trucks of extra dirt to level off a lot. Or for that matter remove dirt to create an access that does not give you a nose bleed climbing a driveway.


2 Lot price is not the end of the story.You should insist on the level three soil test. For the most part your home will be on a septic system. So here you have 2 issues. First of all you are in the mountains. So even a great community like Big Canoe can have heavy rock layers under the soil surface. Blasting is not an option but there are  septic systems that will work  in this situation. The rub is they are usually north of 10,000 dollars more than a standard system.  The second issue is water. A stream may be apparent but underground springs are not. There are strict regulations defining how far a septic system must be from water.  If you do not have the level three soil test you may find it is costly to build, or maybe restrictive as to the size of home allowed, or even worse your lot may be deemed unbuildable.


3 So you have done 1 and 2 above and are now ready to build you dream home in Big Canoe which you have been carrying plans around for since high school graduation. Not so fast ! Take your plans to the governing county and pay, about 125 dollars, to get the plans approved. Then go to Big Canoe architecture control and get that blessing as well.

I have come in after the fact with so many folks who are looking to sell a lot, usually at a loss , because after they bought the lot  they did steps 1,2 and 3 above and were unpleasantly surprised. If you are thinking about building in Big Canoe contact the folks at All Mountain Realty. We are at  We will work with you and assist you in your lot selection. You can see a great number of pretty lots in Big Canoe . Just remember Beauty is not good if it is only dirt deep.

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Charlie Ragonesi All Mountain Realty Big Canoe and Mountain Blog

On line at Call at 706 579 1098

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Kathy Sheehan
Bay Equity, LLC 770-634-4021 - Atlanta, GA
Senior Loan Officer

Charlie, that s really great advice!

Feb 26, 2016 06:28 AM