What's the Big Deal? Just Change the Date!
I did a Home Inspection in Morgantown, PA back in early October of last year and the client, in addition to requesting a home inspection, needed to have me do a WDI (wood-destroying insect inspection) to satisfy the FHA Mortgage company's requirements for settlement. The WDI report showed no signs of wood-destroying insect activity and was "clear".
This client contacted us today and said they are settling on the home this week, 3 months later. He asked if we could just change the date on the WDI report. What's the Big Deal, right?
It's a BIG Deal!
It's rare, but I do get this request from buyers or agents once or twice a year. Often they'll tell me that the report is just a formality to make the mortgage company happy. What's the big deal? Just change the date! Well, I would think the mortgage company asks for a clear WDI for a reason! They might think this is a big deal!
I completely understand and am sympathetic to the need to minimize one's expenses when buying a home. I want to be easy to work with and go out of my way for my clients, but changing the date on an inspection report is just not something I can do.
I am licensed through the State of Pennsylvania and have professional standards to adhere to. My reputation is good here and I'd like to keep it that way. When I do a home inspection or WDI, I'm reporting on conditions as of that date... not 3 months in advance, not even the next day.
I told them if they needed a current WDI, I would have to go back out and reinspect for wood-destroying insects.
Conditions could change over a 3 month period and let's say Mr. Homebuyer moves in to his new home next week and discovers termites, guess who's going to be liable and paying for the treatment?
No thank you!