
ActiveRain Is About Relationships Where Geography Is No Barrier

Reblogger Celeste "SALLY" Cheeseman
Real Estate Agent with Liberty Homes RS-#62825

BOB's only a portion of what ActiveRain and he are all about!  More will come from my story....but in the Bob Stewart's story about our meetup here on Oahu!!!

Talk about being friends for almost a decade...and finally meeting face to face!!!!

You can all comment on his post!!!


Original content by Bob Stewart

(I'm an abject blogging failure. At the start of the year, I planned to post something once a week.......this is my second post this year to my personal blog. #FAIL. I can do better!)

Last week, I had the awesome opportunity to finally meet one of my closest friends here in the Rain. Sally has been an ActiveRain member since 2007. She joined in March of that year and soon after, she started blogging in the Rain.

Some months later, in June of 2007, my son Kelan was born. Sally and I had talked on the phone a few times by that point as I helped her learn the ropes of blogging on ActiveRain. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing that at that point in her life, Sally didn't think that she was going to have the blessing of grandchildren. So, she adopted Kelan as her grandchild. 

In the beginning, she was 'Grandma Sally in Hawaii'. Today, she is just 'Grandma Sally'. As Kelan got older, Sally got in the habit of sending him a gift on his birthday and on Christmas. She would also send along goodies for the rest of the family. There is never a shortage of macadamia nuts in our house! Out of the kindness of her heart, we always knew we were never too far away from a Grandma Sally care package with an assortment of awesome treats unique to Hawaii. 

A few years ago, Sally's daughter had her own son. Grandma Sally was now official. But even that didn't stop her from including Kelan and our family in her heart. I remember that when she found out she was was finally going to be a 'real Grandma' (although in our house, she already was) she called and asked me if it was still alright if she could keep being 'Grandma Sally in Hawaii'. (talk about melt your heart....."ABSOLUTELY" was my response)

Over the years, we've gotten in the habit of recording Kelan opening his presents from Grandma Sally and sending the videos along for Sally to be able to enjoy. 

One time, around 2008 or 2009, I had the good fortune of being invited by the Hawaii Association of REALTORS® to speak at their annual conference. Unfortunately, that year it was held on the Big Island, and Sally wasn't able to attend. It would be another 7 years before I would find my way back to the Islands. As luck would have it, last week we ended up on Oahu! (Sally's island)

When I found out that my wife, Erin, had a work trip that would take her to Honolulu, I knew that we had to meet Grandma Sally. It was the one (and only) thing we put on our schedule besides Erin's work appointments. While Erin did her appointments during the day, I worked from the lobby of the hotel. But Thursday night was set aside to finally get to meet Sally and her gracious husband Gary.

We made reservations to eat Korean BBQ at a little spot in Honolulu. The food was great! The company was a hundred times better. Finally, after all the phone conversations, the text messages, and the amazing Grandma Sally care packages, we got to properly say "thank you Sally". Thank you for adopting Kelan and showing him that people can impact your life without actually being there. Thank you for letting my son know that love has no physical boundaries. Thank you for supporting my marriage to Erin. Thank you for sending coffee to my mom. Thank you for being you!

It was a great night, albeit too short! I promise the next time we come back, we'll bring Kelan along, and you can finally get to meet him.........and his brother Chase! (due April 27th, 2016)

Bob Stewart


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Celeste "Sally" Cheeseman  is a Realtor-Associate® and Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) with Century 21 Liberty Homes in Mililani, Hawaii. With a sharp understanding that a listening ear is the key to a client's needs  she serves the island of Oahu (Honolulu County) and all Hawaii Military Relocations, Hawaii Retirees, Hawaii Job Transfers and Hawaii Residents, Home Buyers and Sellers.


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Hawaii Real Estate and Relocation Blog.

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