What Happened to the "WOW" factor when buying a house?
Yes, this week in fact, I had an offer in on a house for one of the buyers I am working with and there were 2 , yes 2 other offers submitted on this property. Do we, the realtors make this up? No we don't. It happens, and it happens more times than I can tell you about. Buyers are taking their time to make decisions on homes that a appealing to other buyers. Spring is the time that buyers are out in flocks, houses are being shown, and buyers think they have to see at least 10-20 before they make a decision on putting an offer in on a house. What happened to the buyers who bought a house based on the emotion they felt when they walked into a house. What happened to the WOW factor?? Wow, I love this house. I have to have it, I want to buy it. Let's put an offer in on it! NOW. Where are those buyers. I become frustrated with the media informing the consumer that this is a buyers market. Well in the area I sell real estate, my buyers are becoming frustrated from putting in low offers on houses and the sellers refuse to make a counter offer. I suppose that is one way for the buyers to realize the media doesn't have acurate information and that REAL ESTATE IS LOCAL!!