
10 Questions Every Real Estate Agent Should Ask Themselves at the end of Q1

Education & Training with Karen Coffey VIP Real Estate Coaching

The weathers getting warmer, the clocks have changed, and Spring fever is definitely visiting my house…the horses are playing and rolling in the mud every chance they get! Can you believe it’s Top 10 Questions Real Estate Agents Should Askalmost the 2nd Quarter of 2016? I’m looking at the calendar and asking myself where did the 1st 3 months of 2016 go?  In this week’s article I share a few of my most powerful questions that I ask myself as a Q2 check-in…

10 Questions Every Real Estate Agent Should Ask Themselves at the end of Quarter 1

  1. What were my 1st Quarter Goals?
    I hope you know this one…take your annual goal and divide by 4
  2. What is the #1 reason I did, or did not, meet them?
    (don’t be a victim here…just the facts ;)?  It’s easy to come up with all the reasons why you didn’t meet a goal, but remember it falls back on your shoulders of responsibility as to why you didn’t meet a goal you set. So what were you doing to miss or make the mark?
  3. What am I NOT doing that if I did, would make a huge difference in my business?
    This is a fairly simple one…you know intuitively the very thing you are not doing that would catapult your business.  Ie: lead generate, follow up, implement systems, ask for help
  4. Who could help me if I would only ask?  Is there a mentor, broker or coach that can get you to your next dream level in business?
    Inman news reported just how much mentoring pays off in this special report.
  5. Did I do everything I could to make the rest of my year the way I want it to be?
     It’s the small things done consistently over time that make the biggest difference in our lives and income!  In the book “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson he talks about making the daily choices that lead us to success, and they are rarely big, stressful choices. They are the small commitments done daily over time that bring us the business, the income and the success that we want.
  6. How can I deliver more value to more people?
    This is one of the most powerful questions I ask myself because it takes me from a mentality of reaching a client here and there, to a mentality of how can I reach more and more people, each and every day, every week, every month, every quarter, every year and then give them such value that they would never want to work with anyone else.
  7. How do I do what I’m currently doing now, but on a larger scale?  Many agents want to work solo and enlarge their businesses while others want to learn how to implement massive leverage and take more time off. No matter which you are, asking this question will give you clarity on where you want to go. Do you need to hire, leverage, give up control? All of these questions are key to up-leveling where you are.
  8. Am I committed to my Goal and the promise I made to myself to achieve it?
    I know this may sound crazy, but this question comes back to your self-worth and self-respect.  If you’re like most of us you’ve been lying to yourself for so long and breaking promises to yourself, you’re not even sure how to keep one. This is my check-in to see if I’m true to my word.
  9. Is my head in the game?
    A simple way of asking “is my mind set straight?” What communities, books, or other ways can I use to keep my thinking positive, expansive, and creating success for myself and my team.
  10. What changes will I immediately take to make sure I have no regrets in my business this year?
    Look, we’ve all had those years that just flew by. Nothing changed and the income certainly didn’t increase! Choose 3 things right now from your answers to the prior 7 questions and put them on a sticky note on your computer 😉  You know what I mean…put it where you will see it.  1 might be implement a consistent, daily, lead generation system. 2 might be ‘I will not do it alone..I will ask my broker for help’ etc etc

Whatever you do… don’t fail to give your Real Estate Sales business a thorough checkup with these 10 questions. It keeps it growing, building, expanding, and a lot more fun!

Karen Coffey Coaching is committed to the growth and expansion of real estate agents around the world who are looking to make real estate their multiple 6 & 7-figure career of choice.

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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Serving the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale Metropolitan Area - Scottsdale, AZ
Coldwell Banker Realty

Hi Karen Coffey 

Great perspective on reflecting on goals and progress against them!

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Jul 16, 2016 01:10 AM