Traditionally employed people must interview whenever they seek to change jobs - and sometimes when they seek to change positions within their company, however as a Realtor, whether or not you know it, you are interviewing for new positions every time you have a conversation, or send an email. Interviewing is what we do.
This is a fact of life for us, and some of us have learned, better than others, how to interview well, and always keep an awareness of the fact that we are, in fact, potentially being interviewed at any given moment. The Postman, who drops off your mail sees your company name and "Realtor" attached to it. He knows you sell real estate. He might need a good Realtor. He has formed an opinion of you already, from the way you keep your roses, to the kindness, or curtness that he has received from you as he delivers your mail. Consider yourself interviewed. How did you do? Are you likely to get the job?
Your Minister, your Banker, your Seamstress, your child's Teacher - all have similar notes on you, and the likelihood that, one day, unsolicited, one of them might stop and ask you about a real estate matter depends entirely on you and what you have contributed to the conversation up until that moment. Are you seen as trustworthy? Do you make good personal decisions? Are you discreet and appropriate with the business of others? Do you take care of business and do so with a good attitude? Do you dress the part? (not that we have to wear a suit at all times, but are we appropriately attired for whichever activity we are viewed while doing?) Do you take care of the little details? All of these questions and more are asked silently of us daily.
It might also surprise you to learn that everytime you respond to the agent on the other end of the transaction, you are also interviewing for a partnership. About 8 months ago, I met a Realtor who represented a buyer on one of my listings. She was outstanding in a way that I have rarely seen in this business, and we just "clicked". From that moment on, even though her buyer didn't end up getting my listing in multiple offers - we became not only fast friends, but partners in a number of deals. Her behavior and professionalism during that short interaction was the best interview I could have conducted if I were looking for a partner - and I didn't even realize at the time that I "was" looking for a partner! Since that moment we've closed a volume of business together in ways that neither of us could have, without enlisting each other's help, and we currently cooperate on real estate business in two different states.
These are things to keep in mind - food for thought, if you will, as we carry ourselves through the day. My father used to say, never do or say anything that you wouldn't want published in the newspaper. I think that's some pretty good advice, and something we should all - myself included - remind ourselves of each day, as we prepare for our "Interviews".