A Clean Bathroom Will Help You Sell Your Home Quicker
After years of living in your home, it’s finally time to sell. Put yourself in to that potential buyer’s mindset: what is it that you are looking for? No doubt, one of the things that comes to mind is a modern, updated bathroom. In order to make your home more appealing to all of those house hunters out there, a clean bathroom is key. What’s the best way to go about cleaning your bathroom? The Team Edge Properties has a few suggestions as to how.
Like in any room, the dirt and grime in your bathroom will only build up and become harder to remove over time. Give the bathtub or shower a rinse after every use to cut down on soap scum, and use antibacterial wipes to clean handles and faucets that are starting to look dingy. If you keep on top of things, you won’t need to spend a whole day cleaning your bathroom later on.
When it comes time to do a preparatory cleaning for an open house, start with your sink. Your sink can accumulate all sorts of deposits from hairspray, toothpaste, and other products, so if a first attempt with an all-purpose cleaner does not remove everything, you can try a cleaner with a mild abrasive or a textured sponge. Just be mindful of ceramic sinks, as anything too tough could scratch them. Same thing goes for your shower and tub; start gentle, then get tougher with your cleaning supplies as necessary.
For any fiberglass or glass in your bathroom, use a pine oil or baking soda based cleaner. Anything harsher or more abrasive could damage these delicate surfaces.
For your toilet bowl, be sure to let cleaners soak in the water for as long as directed; you can pour the cleaner in at the start and continue with the rest of your cleaning as it does its work if you want to save time. After it soaks, start scrubbing with your bowl brush to eliminate any built-up stains or bacteria.
Having a clean bathroom with make your house more appealing to homeowners-to-be. Want more tips? Contact The Team Edge Properties today.