As your clients are about to make what will be the biggest purchase in their life, they will put all their trust in you to do the job. But how do you maintain a trusting relationship with your client? Like anything it takes a conscious effort.
Building a trusting and lasting relationship with your clients is the absolute key to a successful real estate business. Not only can your clients spread the word about how good you are at your job, you shouldn't ignore the fact that they could potentially turn into a repeat customers down the road.
“The trust that a customer has in your company and in you strongly outweighs the techniques you use to sell,” says Mike Puglia, VP of Marketing at TimeTrade. “Establishing trust is better than any sales technique.”
Here are some simple, yet critical, things you need to do to earn the trust and respect of your clients:
Respect Their Time: You’ll hear this term a lot, but this process is about them, not you. So don’t keep your clients waiting. If you say you’re going to call them at 3pm for half an hour, do exactly that. Promptly reply to any emails and reassure your clients that they are your priority. Show them that they are important and they’ll remember you for it.
Listen For Their Problems And Find A Solution: Remember, you’re here for the client so one of the first things you should try to do is identify any unresolved issues. This is your opportunity to prove that you’re the best candidate for the job by finding the solution. Clients generally don’t like repeating themselves on a regular basis, so make sure you’re listening intently the first time they speak with you.
Admit To Your Mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes, so own up to it when you hit a snag. This is a great time to show off your problem solving skills. It further builds trust between you and the client when you’re willing to admit your mistake and work tirelessly to resolve it. You never want to blame the client.
Be Transparent: It really doesn’t serve you well to sugarcoat everything. Sometimes the best thing you can do is turn a client down on an idea. But the most important thing to remember is to explain why. Show your expertise and explain why a certain home might not be right for someone. Being honest helps clients who aren’t real estate experts understand the business better.
“Sales is not about selling anymore but building trust and educating,” says Siva Devaki, CEO & Founder of Mansa Systems.
Provide Expertise, Not Opinion: You’re not the one buying the house, so try to keep your personal preferences out of it. Use your expertise to provide them with the facts about why or why not this house might be right for them.
Don’t Let Them Go
The majority of your business will be repeat clients and referrals. So you want to use all of these tips to prove to your client that they’ve made the best choice. If you can knock it out of the park with them right off the bat, you’ll have earned their trust for the long haul.
Looking for even more tips on how to build trust with clients? Check Coach Borino’s best tips for building trust!