
Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day in Waterbury, Vermont

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Great American Dream Realty

44 degrees and blue skies were perfect weather for Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day in Waterbury, Vermont. I was there around noon and there had to be a hundred people there. So glad to see people out enjoying their lunch time on a lovely spring afternoon in Waterbury, Vermont!

Oh, by the way, I had the Chocolate Therapy. Great American Dream Realty supports Vermont ice cream!

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Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Sounds like fun Lisa, I hope that you remembered to pick up a cone for Jack and I.

Apr 17, 2016 04:58 PM
Belinda Spillman
Optician - Aurora, CO
Colorado Living!

Oh Man!!!  I would be there for sure.  I love Ben and Jerry.  They rock and so does Cherry Garcia.

Apr 18, 2016 02:19 AM