
The Orphanage - Review

Real Estate Sales Representative with Prudential Douglas Elliman Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

 Laura acquires the orphanage she was raised in with her level headed husband and her sickly son. Together with her husband Carlos and adopted seven-year-old son Simon, Laura  is celebrating the opening of their new home for mentally and physically handicapped children.

Everything goes from bad to worse when Simon starts talking with imagery friends, an oddball lady looms about the place and ghostly happenings kick in hardcore. But when Simon tells her things he shouldn't know, like historical details and threatening demands, and when physical phenomena start occuring, she starts communicating with them, too (the disturbed inhabitants who aren't paying rent). Hard to tell from there what's real but the movie wants you to think it all is. When Simon discovers that he's an adopted child, he runs into a cave with one of his friends and eludes all pleas to return. But when Simon vanishes into thin air, stories he has told about his ‘imaginary friends' start to chime with troubling recollections from Laura's own childhood - as an orphan raised in this very same house. The climax is intriguing in that it leaves both possibilities open for debate, and it works extremely well because of the emotional atmosphere that is established at the same time as the freaky haunted house motif.  The final moments of the film are haunting not because of ghosts but because of a misery too cruel to fathom.

This is not your average run of the mill ghost story... I highly recommend it!!


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Rich Dansereau
Positive Real Estate Professionals - Knoxville, TN

I have honestly never heard of this film but with your good recommendation, I might get it from Blockbuster.

May 27, 2008 04:28 PM
Vicente A. Martinez
Prudential Douglas Elliman Licensed Real Estate Salesperson - Woodhaven, NY
Realtor, Brooklyn - Long Island - Queens Homes

Rich- The reason you probably never heard of it is because the true name is "El Orfanato". Be prepared for subtitles on this one.

May 29, 2008 04:35 AM