I propose the following scenario:
You have a chance to take a listing. A home that comps out say at $735k - $750k. You've done all the market research and a CMA. You propose a listing price of $779k. You present your research to the sellers, and they decide to hire you for the job. Here's the hitch, they want to list at $869k. You explain that as much as you want that price to be feasible, the market simply won't support it.
Do you take the listing at their price?
I know that I've been in the situation on several occasions. I don't want to make a practice of signing up listings that will require me to spend my money, my time and my energy all to give it back when the listing agreement is up. If we fail to be clear about market conditions, comps and such up front we are only hurting ourselves.
I will typically agree to start out at their price. However, I negotiate UP FRONT a schedule for price reductions.
What are some things you do to ensure that the work you start is the work you finish?