
The absolute best gift you could ever give your clients, hands down!

Real Estate Agent with Results Guaranteed Realty

One thing I continually try to do is educate my clients.  Granted, there are a lot of different things you can give them in doing so but I don't know of anything as cheap as what I'm about to share with you that can have such an enormous impact on your client's lives as this-and it's under $25.  What I'm talking about is the book entitled "Own Your Home Years Sooner Without Making Extra (Interest) Payments", by Harj Gill.  We've all heard the Bible verse "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime".  Well, what I'm sharing with you here is no different. 

I have had the good fortune to talk to Harj Gill, the founder of the Mortgage Elimination System and the author of the book.  He is on a crusade to put people in charge of their financial futures using the bank's own lending policies and products to help them pay off their mortgages years sooner and help them save thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in doing so.  This is is nothing short of brilliant folks!  How do you think your client's will veiw you once you show them how they can save a ton of cash on their mortgage payments and years off the life of their once constricting homeloan?  I don't know about you, but I'm telling everyone of my client's about it and I'm joining Harj's crusade to put an end to what the bank's don't want you to know (and that's a fact).  Perhaps you've heard about these programs advertising how to pay off your home in half the time or less before, perhaps you are even an affiliate selling one of these copycat programs for up to $3500.  If you really want to look like a hero tell them you can get the same product for them for $200 a year.  Go here for the details  Whatever the case may be, you owe it to your client's (and to yourself) to share this with them.  They don't even have to be a client right now, why not just share it with anybody with a mortgage.  That's my plan, and that's why I'm blogging about it here. 







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Dennis Sanchez
Coldwell Banker Tenafly - Hackensack, NJ
very great idea.  knowledge is something that no one can take away from you.  If we give the gift of knowledge, we will definitely be doing our job
Apr 27, 2008 05:25 PM
Tony & Darcy Cannon
Aubrey and Associates Realty - Layton, UT
The C Team
Great Idea, I like the idea of helping them build equity and get out of debt!  Thanks for the information!
Apr 27, 2008 05:30 PM
Ross Quintana
Real E Smarter - Spokane, WA
Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966
I'll check it out. Thanks for the post. but what is th $200 and is there a link to the book
Apr 27, 2008 05:56 PM
Chuck Carstensen
RE/MAX Results - Elk River, MN
Minnesota/Wisconsin Real Estate Expert
Thanks for the post.  I know about the $3500 program but had not heard of this one.
Apr 27, 2008 06:39 PM
Randy Springborn
Results Guaranteed Realty - Goodyear, AZ

Hi Ross,

The $200 is what it costs you when you sign up for a year.  A copy of the book is included in that.  If you want just the book I'm sure it can be found on  I paid the $200 and I'm implementing this sytem on my rental properties.  The cash flow from them is what I am using to drive down the interest paid.  According to the Speed Equity System software they should be paid off in just over 14 years, vs. the P&I payment of 30 years.

Apr 28, 2008 02:23 AM