
Were Foreclosures a Part of the Plan for the Economy?

Real Estate Agent with PalmerHouse Properties 341409
Were Foreclosures a Part of the Plan for the Economy?  This is a question that has loom in my mind for a couple of years.  Did a panel of government officials sit around and come up with an idea to actually make more money faster. Are the banks really suffering or just the homeowners and builders?  Click on the link....
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foreclosure freeze

Predatory lending is also a threat to deal with now a days. I am happy you wrote something worth reading about foreclosures. Foreclosure freeze for a wrongful foreclosure is a must. Lenders should explain terms and conditions in a simple manner to home owners. This would certainly decrease the amount of foreclosure fraud.

<a href="">foreclosure fraud</a> | <a href="">wrongful foreclosure</a>


Jul 23, 2011 03:48 AM

foreclosure fraud :

Jul 23, 2011 03:50 AM