
Boomers! I Would Like to Interview You

Managing Real Estate Broker with Better Homes Realty DRE #01056789

Hi, Rainers!


If you made a major career shift from a previous occupation to real estate sales, I would love to interview you for my next book, especially if you’re over 50 OR you’re younger but took a great contacts list with you from previous employment relationships.


If your input is chosen, you will be credited both in the book and in the glossary. It could be a great marketing tool for you!


Please contact me, Cathy Turney, at: or or (925) 686-2290.


Thanks for your consideration!



Posted by

Cathy Turney

Broker/Partner, #01056789

State Certified Appraiser, #AR008672


Better Homes Realty

2950 Buskirk Ave, Suite 300

Walnut Creek, CA   94597