Since Donald Trump is on course to get the most Republican primary
votes EVER, how can some of the Republican insider elites still be
saying #Never Trump?
Well, the answer is very simple. Trump will cancel their gravy train.
They want you to think it is all about ideology, but it is not.
Follow the Money
We all know about outrageously expensive hammers and toilet seats
that the government buys, but do you know why?
It is all about those CONTRACTS that are arranged by LOBBYISTS in
exchange for political donations.
The Pols want to get re-elected. That costs money. Lots of money.
So these lobbyists hand them (or their re-election committees) a big
DONATION in exchange for their agreement to support a bill that will
allow an agency to give a contract to the lobbyist's client.
They don't care because it is not their money. and they can maintain
that they are not doing anything illegal. Or, at least, they won't be
If they don't do this they will have to spend 30 or more hours per week
on the phone BEGGING for contributions to their campaign
BTW Did you know that if they don't get re-elected they can keep all
the money. Most politicians start out their careers as paupers but end
up as millionaires.
This has been going on for many, many years. They refer to these
lobbyists as "K Street" because that is where their offices are located in
Washington D.C.
Trump threatens to blow up K Street. And that would be good. The
Federal government owes over $19 Trillion. And there is no way we
can EVER pay this UNLESS we reduce the cost of government.
Trump will make government more "thrifty" in their contracting. He
has a history of doing just that. Check out his Ice Rink project in New
York's Central Park that he completed under-budget and in record
time, when others had already failed.
The Never Trump people are living large by facilitating this costly
process of awarding government contracts.
Trump will end the gravy train
No wonder they say Never Trump.
I say screw 'em. We don't need them. Good riddance. It should not
have been their Republican Party anyway. It is ours.
If we can roll back government, there should be more for the rest of
More of everything.