SPCA Suncoast Spayghetti Dinner And 16 Puppies
The SPCA Suncoast in New Port Richey, FL is hosting a fund-raiser dinner on Saturday, May 14. Registration starts at 5:30, dioors open at 6 pm. The dinner will be at the Verizon Event Center, 8718 Trouble Creek Road, New Port Richey FL. 34655. (southwest corner of Little and Trouble Creek; across from Publix Center).
Many of you may have heard about the special event for Mother's Day at the SPCA Suncoast; Maggie, a Mom-To-Be, had her puppies over the weekend.
All 16 of them! No, they won't be at the dinner.
I don't think all 16 are in this picture but it's hard to tell.
Maggie looking good after all that.
So the SPCA Suncoast needs your help for sure now. All those little mouths to feed, all those shots to be given!
There will be a K9 demonstration, music, and lots of raffles and prizes. And the spaghetti dinner, of course.
Please do not bring pets due to the K9 demonstration.
To catch more information, check out their Facebook page here or go to their website. Tickets are $25.00 ahead or $30.00 at the door.
The SPCA Suncoast is special to me because I used to be President of the Board.
Toni Weidman
SPCA Suncoast Spayghetti Dinner And 16 Puppies