Housing Prices 2006 over 2005
Surprisingly, and amid all the hoopla of a slow market and lower sales volumes, the average price for a home in Phoenix was up slightly in 2006 compared to 2007 according to the ASU Real Estate Center.
By December of 2006 average home prices were $222k compared to $205k for the same period the previous year. What you read in the newspaper about a "crashing" market is doom and gloom and I suspect a ploy to sell newspapers and generate water cooler gossip that turns into more bad urban legend.
Take heart owners, not all is bad. Although it may be a bit of a buyers market, you're still looking good.
Darryl L. King, B.Sc., AHWD, e-PRO®, GRI REALTOR®, MRE Society
http://www.dkingrealty.com/ 623-293-2864