
Big Water, Ut: Bird Day 2008

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Rankin Realty at Lake Powell, LLC

For the past 30 some odd years Big Water, Utah, has been celebrating Bird Day. For many years Bird Day was a Utah holiday and when it was shelved Big Water community kept it up. Bird Day started as a way to celebrate the seagulls eating the crickets that saved the crops of the Mormon Pioneers. This year Bird Day was held April 26th.

Bird Day is a fun filled, old fashioned, carnival day for the kids of all ages. There were sack races, balloon tosses, 3-legged races, an art contest, a bake off, the ever popular treasure hunt and scavenger hunt, and of course, the EGG toss. Guessing the amount of eggs and candy in the baskets and voting on “Bird Awards” were two of the most popular activities. There were lots of folks entered in the arm wrestling and nail hammering contests as well.

Many thanks to the local folks who have worked for so many years to keep Bird Day something to look forward to each year in Big Water. Big Water, Utah Egg Race

So the adults had fun with this one as well as the little kids. Egg Races. Put a raw egg in a spoon, run the length of the parking lot and don't drop the egg. Yeah!

Big Water, Utah, Nail Hammering
Big kids got three nails and one small hammer, ladies got two nails and one small hammer, little guys got one nail and one LARGE hammer for the Nail Hammering Contest.

Big Water, Utah arm wrestling

Ladies take arm wrestling pretty serious.

By the 6:30 p.m awards ceremony everyone looked like they had a wonderful, sun filled, fun day. 


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Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI
Heather, looks like a fun day for all ages! Thanks for sharing.
Apr 29, 2008 04:53 PM
Heather Rankin
Rankin Realty at Lake Powell, LLC - Page, AZ
Lake Powell Real Estate
Duane - It was a great day. I took somewhere around 200 photos and have been distributing them all week. Makes it doubly fun.
Apr 29, 2008 06:00 PM
Virginia Hepp - Mesquite NV REALTOR
Desert Gold Realty - Mesquite NV Homes For Sale - Mesquite, NV
Mesquite NV Homes and Neighborhoods - Search MLS
It is amazing how many activities there are in different cities in Utah!  Mesquite is about 30 minutes from St George - there is always something going on! 
May 03, 2008 06:30 PM
Heather Rankin
Rankin Realty at Lake Powell, LLC - Page, AZ
Lake Powell Real Estate
I think that is one of the great things about living in Utah. Tomorrow in Kanab we have the Day In May celebration fund raiser for the MDA. In Kanab as well is the Greyhound Gathering and the Western Round Up later this summer. Gotta find time to work in there somewhere........
May 03, 2008 06:51 PM
* Rate A Home
Rate A Home - Saugatuck, MI
Heather, thats to cool, it allows you to relive the day all over again.
May 03, 2008 06:57 PM