
Settling in to sort of retirement!

Real Estate Agent with Tri-Cities Real Estate retired

Hey folkes , this is working!!  I just turned 68, and I am working 1/3 t 1/2 as much as I used to! Yes I am making less money

Making less is part of the plan and is ok.  That is what retirement is all about, not having to bring in a large amount of money but having the resources to live well.

How did I do it? 

Part is that I married well!  I don't mean that I married a rich boy.  I definately didn't ..  but I did marry a man who worked hard all his life and is retired now and because of his and my hard work and some luck we are able to enjoy time spent wiothout having to worry about bringing in x dollars per hour.

Part 2 is that my last full time years were high earning real estate  years which boosted my social security. 

Part three is that we have  notes that we are carrying for real estate that we sold.  We are making the interest.  Thanks to what I have learned in real estate, we set them up so that if we have to take them back they will rent out instantly.  and not impact our monthly income very much.

Part four is that we aren't extravagant.  We arent talking about gold plated living. 

The worm in the apple is that our health isnt what we had hoped for but that is another reason to enjoy retirement now.

Yes it is an adjustment to sit and relax and sometimes do nothing!  There are many thing I could be doing but I like the flexibility to just be able to pickup and go. 

Well it's getting on to 3 oclock, time for me to mosey out of the office and head home (an hour away).  I will be available by phone and will probably be back in the office day after tomorrow. YIPPEE


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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Serving the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale Metropolitan Area - Scottsdale, AZ
Coldwell Banker Realty

Hi Kathy Judy!

Thanks for a great series of posts featuring exceptionally well presented stories about your transition to retirement!

We like your writing style!

We wish you great success with your blog posts and networking with other members of Active Rain!

We clicked the “Follow” button on your profile so that we will be alerted to your future blog posts and can read and comment on them, and we invite you to "follow us" - should you be interested. There is no requirement or obligation for you to do so, but we would be honored if you choose to do so!

Aug 30, 2016 06:49 AM
Kathy Judy
Tri-Cities Real Estate retired - Ontario, OR

Thank you I appreciate it.  Best wishes

Aug 30, 2016 06:55 AM