Photography is a passion of mine and you'll frequently see me with camera in hand when I'm out exploring western Oregon. I've developed an eye for composition and am gradually building a local reputation as an amateur photographer.
Since photographs are taken to be seen and not just stored, I created a Facebook page called 365 and More Things To Do in Lane County, Oregon. I post 1-2 times daily with photos and links to stories about places in Lane County and western Oregon.
This page has given me the opportunity to meet local people I would never have known otherwise, such as:
- Colette Kimball. She is a local writer who also maintains a blog called My South Lane. We have collaborated on a few articles in publications where I've supplied a few photos.
- Walt and Amanda of Johnson Farms. Amanda reached out to me on my Facebook page and suggested that I post about this local, fourth generation farm. I thought that it would be a fun opportunity to visit and learn more about the farm from the owners themselves. I invited Colette to join me for an afternoon of touring and talking. The result was this blog post that she wrote about the farm and my Facebook page.
- Neil & Sue Shay of BlueBird Hill Cellars. The first two photos on their front page slide show are mine. I took the pictures on the weekend that they opened their tasting room. The meeting inspired me to write an AR blog post about it. They ended up naming me their staff photographer.
In addition to my Facebook page, I also upload photos to a Flickr account. Since my goal for now is to share the images, I use a Creative Commons copyright so that others can use the photos with proper attribution. That approach has led to a surprising number of media outlets choosing my pictures to help illustrate their stories.
The list includes Huffington Post, RunnersWorld, Oregon Public Broadcasting, National Public Radio, Portland Business Journal, and even a London-based publication. Links to the stories are below. The first two photos on the McKenzie River Events poster below are ones that I took and shared with the local Chamber of Commerce.
The Oregon Farm Bureau selected a photo that I took of ripe pinot grapes at Iris Vineyards to use as the November photo for its 2017 calendar that it mailed to its 66,000+ members.
I have sold a few photos, but the revenue is nowhere near enough for me to consider quitting my day job. For now, the goal is to continue practicing the craft and learning which photos and subjects are of greatest interest to my audiences.
As more and more people become aware of my work, I expect bigger opportunities to present themselves. The fact that major media outlets selected my photos out of all of the ones available is a good indication that I'm heading in the right direction.
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