While in a rush to find something on my laptop, I was surprised to see Windows 10 installing. I didn't request the installation, it was simply just happening. After an hour of tapping my foot, unable to cancel the installation, Windows 10 was available for me....
My thought was, no problem, I didn't want the upgrade, but I could deal with it. I went to find the file I desperately needed on dropbox. Small problem, no dropbox. I then searched my document file to see I had NO DOCUMENTS! Ok, relax I said to myself, all I need to do is reinstall dropbox and my files are all safe there. I reinstalled dropbox, was prompted to download all dropbox files, which are over 2GB. Ugh.. This is not good.
I was able to find the file I needed on my email, I downloaded it (PDF FILE) and opened the file. Much to my dismay, the file didn’t open in the PDF program that I love and paid a lot of money for, it opened in Microsoft edge. Microsoft edge doesn’t do what I needed to do. Yes, I’m screaming now!
After researching Microsoft edge, I found that it’s not possible to get rid of this program on Microsoft 10, I still don’t have any files since dropbox wants to download them, but there are too many. What happened to the files on my computer, they must still be there..
Sometimes in life, you just really want a redo button, or go back in time button; this was one of those times. I needed to get my computer back to its previous life from just a few hours ago.
I researched an easy way to uninstall Windows 10 and go back to my previous version. The process was super-fast, and to my excitement, my files and dropbox were back ` TA DA….
My TA DA were short lived, as soon as I got back to my old version, the Windows 10 update popped up. Windows 10 will update in 90 seconds… but wait… I don’t want that… wait… I was able to reschedule the date and time of the upgrade but need this to stop happening.
So, in an effort to save you the time I lost, here is a solution to the automatic Windows 10 upate:
Right-click the Windows 10 upgrade icon on your system tray and select Check your upgrade status.
Next, you will see the message about your upgrade reservation being successful. From here, click the hamburger menu at the upper left corner. In the list under Getting the upgrade, clickView confirmation.
The next screen will tell you that your upgrade is reserved, but to cancel it, click the smallCancel reservation hyperlink.
Microsoft wants you to verify the cancellation, and if you’re sure you want to cancel, click the Cancel reservation button.
Now, back to selling real estate!