In this new world that we’re all living in, it’s becoming more critical to either create a second income source or even better create your own income. If you find at the end of the month you’re a bit or very short on funds, not to worry you’re not alone. With college or university degrees being so expensive, no wonder most people struggle to find a job with a decent salary to live a prosperous life. We’re going to give a few ideas below on how to get a second paycheck without working a second job.
Here are a few ideas on how to get a second paycheck without working a second job:
1. Create a blog on a topic that you’re knowledgeable - Are you skilled or knowledgeable on a topic that you’re friends and family turn to you for help and advice? If your answer is yes, why not turn your passion or skill into cash.
Here are few tools to get you start:
Bluehost – Register and host your website or blog. You can register a professional domain name as may look more professional to clients than www.yourwebsite.blogspot.
Grasshopper - Register a designated affordable 1800 telephone number. Set yourself up for success by separating business from your personal cellphone. You could use your 1800 telephone number to receive fax and text messages as well. Perception is reality and your little business could surprise you and blossom into a nice business quickly.
2. Invest In Real Estate - there are several courses to get you started. Here are a few loan providers that could get you approved based on the property and not necessarily your credit score, down payment or income.
3. Become A Reseller or Sell Items On Amazon – clean your closet, basement or book case and sell items that you’re not using. These items could be someone else’s treasure. Other online sources are: Craigslist, Ebay and Kijiji.
4. Paint or Clean Houses – If you’re interested in making homes sparkle, try cleaning or painting the interiors.
5. Direct Selling – You could sell jewelery, clothes, travel services, beauty supplies etc.
6. Clean Basement and or Closets - Offer cleaning and organizing services specifically for basements and closets. Contact local Realtor, they may have clients that may need your help preparing a home for sale. Try advertising to the elderly and couples with young kids.
7. Become a Craft Vendor - If you have a talent for making creative things, sell your wares at festivals, fairs, farmer’s markets or on Ebay and Etsy.
8. Teach a Class - If you have a skill, passion, talent, or education in on a topic, you could host a class at your local community center and charge an admission fee. Teaching topics could be: baking, sewing, art and craft, knitting, gardening, landscaping, scrap booking and foreign languages.
9. Rent a parking spot, backyard shed or garage - If you have an extra personal parking spot, backyard shed or garage try renting. You might be surprised how willing people might be willing to rent.
10. Offer Services on Fiverr – what about virtual assistant services, logo and website design, power point presentations, excel spreadsheet etc.
11. Sell Books - Buy books from Thrift Store and Salvation Army and resell them online.
12. Purchase, Restore and Resell Furniture - Buy furniture from Habitat For Humanity, Thrift Store and Salvation Army and resell them online.