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Fear Can Not Harm You!

Mortgage and Lending with National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro

It is there, quietly, behind every newscast, behind every discussion. At family get togethers, in business meetings, in chance conversations. I sense it, and did not fully realize what it was until now.

People are afraid. A lot of people have given up mentally, though they still go through the motions. It is a scary world they say. I saw it this weekend, when I heard the 18 year old say he never wanted to have kids. When asked why, he repeated the underlying mantra of many in his generation..the world is just too scary. That everyone nodded in a solemn agreement-young and old alike- and no one stood to argue showed me just how entrenched the thought is. So you wonder, what does this have to do with a business tip?

Everything! It is all connected. Fear gives power to the bullies who use it. But bullies are cowards themselves. They cannot exist without the consent of the fearful. Where there is no fear, there is no power for the bully. For the government hell bent on destroying good to feed it’s ever growing waste, it too, needs to exist at the consent of the fearful. That it exists is a fact. Whether we are afraid of it or not is a choice. I choose not to fear. I am not afraid of the future, I am not afraid of the government. Over the last few months I have come to realize that I do not have to live afraid. That joy is in the effort. That even if the odds are stacked against the business man, to play the game of life full tilt, as hard as one can, without fear of repercussion, that is it’s own joy! That success can be mine by effort-this still exists in America-at least for a while. And while it does, I have a job to do. A job that helps people.


Real lives, real people. People who operate not out of fear, but out of love. Love for their families, their employees, and a country that is slowly disappearing before our eyes yet still remains great underneath it all. A country that was formed on the premise that each man should be left to pursue his dreams and that left to himself, he would naturally gravitate to the work he loves the most, that he is best suited to perform and that the performance of that duty would be all the livelihood he would need. That greatness is waning, never to return most likely. But this too, is nothing to fear. Facts are facts. Truth-at its core-is best. And when we understand the truth, we can then operate without fear. We can experience the joy of effort toward a goal, which CAN still be done in America. For now, we can be free to work, to fight, to live and to love. The rules keep changing, but they need not hold fear any longer. I will choose to live, to love, to work and to fight for that which is good, without fear of repercussion, but with full knowledge that repercussion can and likely will, come.

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