
Your real estate agent may not know much about the HOA industry...

Real Estate Agent with REMAX Fine Properties BR525714000

This new video 'HOA 101 For Real Estate Agents' is helpful for the public too (produced by HOA Savers LLC). It's basic info, but info that hasn't been presented in any real estate classes I've ever seen.

Click here to see the video: HOA 101 For Real Estate Agents

The information is based in AZ, however problems in HOAs are common in the US.

This beginner video helps everyone look at HOAs better; the condition of the community, the cost to maintain, the reserve study, and undisclosed violations. It also mentions that if an owner has an HOA problem that they can't get resolved, they are left having to hire an attorney.

For more information you can view the following links:

HOA Industry Advisory, HOA Industry Survey & Survey Results You may want to send the Survey Results to your legislators.

HOA Report 'Buying Into An HOA With Your Eyes Wide Open'

HOA Video 'HOA Abuse of Authority'

If we can't get laws equalizing the power, giving owners more rights and protections...we can change the industry via education. Knowledge is power. Thank you for viewing the materials listed above, and sharing the information with your real estate agent, friends and neighbors.


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Robert Havana
Park and Protect- Alberta Real Estate License Parking - Calgary, AB
Alberta Real Estate License Parking

in my market, none of the agents would even know what the acronym HOA stands for.  Closest we have is condominuium corporations.

Jun 17, 2016 12:00 PM
Jolita Brazzano, Broker/LCAM,

Each state is different regarding their laws on HOA's and Condos. In Florida, HOA's Cooperatives, Condominiums and Time Share properties each fall under different Statutes. Unfortunately, real estate education is sorely lacking for sales associates who list and sell in these communities. This training has been relegated to brokers who are often also ignorant on these laws. I have a course for Sales Associates that I had written for CE's several years ago but, although it was approved by the Real Estate Commission, I couldn't get it approved through the state REALTORS association without selling them the course. I let the course lapse last year and closed my real estate school at the same time, but have kept this course updated for brokers who would like to educate their sales associates. I'm in Palm Coast Florida and still teach.

Jun 19, 2016 11:27 PM
Mary Yonkers
Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate - Erie, PA
Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor

Thanks for the HOA video Jill Schweitzer Makes me glad I live in country setting

Aug 04, 2016 05:30 AM
Jill Schweitzer

% of HOAs in Phoenix area

You are lucky! Here there are a ton of HOAs. I just did the report on the link a couple days ago.

Aug 04, 2016 05:36 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Do not assume that readers will click on all of your links. You may get better results with more text. Longer original text will get more recognition.

Aug 05, 2016 05:41 AM