Interior of The Providence Athenaeum Library
The foundation of the Special Collections was created from the combined libraries of the Providence Library Company (est. 1753) and the earlier Providence Athenaeum (est. 1831) when they formed the current institution and merged their two collections and archives in 1836. As the library has aged, these once current titles dating to the mid-eighteenth century have become part of our Rare Book Collection, and as such, the collection mirrors the changing tastes of the membership over the past two-and-a-half centuries. The collection interests have remained consistently strong in the subjects of literature, history, biography, travel, the fine arts, and natural sciences.
"Computer" data base at The Providence Athenaeum Library. These children of today have no idea.
Outside entrance into The Providence Athenaeum Library
This is a worth while stop on your trip and if you have a canine friend, they are welcomed the beautiful historic library.