
This Map Displays Agent Listings and Properties Previewed!

Real Estate Technology with Relola

Relola just launched a Map feature that displays agent activity, and this can be displayed on any website with the simple to install widget.  Relola will even install it for free for the non-techie agent!

Check out how it looks on the profile page of Kit Fitzgerald

Kit's Map

open insight

insight displayRelola's widgets allow agents to share their insights about any property they tour and then they show up on every site that the agent has the widget installed on.  Check out the homepage of BH&GRE Wilkins and Associates, which shows insights of all agents fresh from the field.  Owner, Christine Wilkins reports that they saw an immediate increase in SEO for their agents and their site after installing the Relola Insight Widgets.


And on James Hoff's page you can see his insights and the map!

Really cool. These tools are free on Relola so knock yourself out!


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John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Heather Sittig Jackson The Relola's map feature will benefit many people.

Jun 24, 2016 10:57 AM
Heather Sittig Jackson

John!  Relola is a Preferred Vendor with BHHS - and corporate would like to know if you would like the map to appear on your BHHS agent profile page. 

Jun 24, 2016 11:17 AM