Picture this: you have $300,000 that you need to invest. You bring this up at the dinner table and somebody mentions that your new brother-in-law’s niece actually just got into investing for people on a part-time basis. She has no background in investing her own money, or anyone else’s money for that matter. So what do you do you? Decide “okay, I’m going to go ahead and tell her: why don’t you take this $300,000 and I’m going to pay you $18,000 to invest it however you think is the best way for me to invest it.” Sounds silly, doesn’t it?
The funny thing about that is that we actually see people do that on a constant basis day in and day out when it comes to Scottsdale real estate. When you make the decision to hire a friend or family member to represent you as the buyer or seller of real estate, who doesn’t have any experience or do it full-time, you’re putting yourself in a similar position.
The reality of it is that real estate transactions are very large transactions with very large sums of money, the vast majority of the time these are the largest transactions that any individual will ever make in their lifetime. The concept of having somebody manage this type of transaction that does it part-time and has no experience doing it is, for lack of a better word, foolish.
Because the Scottsdale Arizona real estate market has always been a very hot market, even during the down times when it’s it’s been slow, has lead to behavior of multiple individuals obtaining Arizona real estate licenses, just for the purpose of practicing real estate part-time.
Here are five reasons that you should always use a professional and full-time real estate agent:
- Financing – Whether you’re the buyer or the seller, it’s important that the financing goes through. This doesn’t happen on its own. It’s up to your Realtor / real estate agent to ensure that the transaction is successfully financed
- Pricing – Understanding how to value a home doesn’t come over night, it’s up to your agent to help you navigate these waters
- Emotion – While this one may seem the silliest, this is probably the most important point. As noted above, these are large transactions; emotion is going to come into play. Your real estate agent has a very important role in terms of keeping everyone involved in the transaction calm. Non-experienced / part-time agents not only have a difficult time guiding emotional situations to resolutions that benefit both the buyer and the seller, but most of the time actually become emotional themselves. It’s amazing how a non-professional agent can derail a transaction over and over.
- Fixes to the Home Itself – When conducting real estate transactions in Scottsdale or the Phoenix, AZ metropolitan area, there is normally an inspection period. During this inspection period issues usually do come up. You need to have an agent that can help resolve these issues.
- Inventory – Part time agents simply aren’t familiar with the neighborhoods in the area and what homes are available.
If you are interested in buying a selling a home in Scottsdale or the greater Phoenix metropolitan area please contact professional Arizona Realtors. Andrea Lilienfeld of The Kay-Grant Group assists buyers and sellers of Arizona real estate complete successful and beneficial transactions; that’s all she does. You can trust Andrea and The Kay-Grant Group to be knowledgeable, professional, and put your interests firsts.