
commercial listing upgrades in huge demand!!!

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Terry Kuehn
Family Real Estate Services, Inc. - Tacoma, WA
Self-Directed Roth IRA Associate

Hi, Asher....

Spotted this post of yours. As of late, I've been reading quite a bit regarding current situations in the financial industry, and what I've been reading regarding commercial real estate is that it's just about getting as bad as the residential market. Looks to me that listings might not be that hard to get, what with commercial properties becoming vacant as fast as they are.

Any comments?


Apr 30, 2008 08:11 AM
Bob Wiley
I have been in commercial real estate for a while and it hasnt slowed down for me all that much. I also love Asher's website, i use it all the time to find whats new on the market.
Apr 30, 2008 08:19 AM
Asher Silber
Go Fish Commercial - Minneapolis, MN
Out here in Minnesota it hasn't really slowed down all that much. Other than our website we also own a few buildings and they are all leased up. As far as our website, it couldn't be growing faster. It's audience is getting larger and larger everyday.
Apr 30, 2008 08:22 AM