

Real Estate Technology with Realtyna 4966111


Being as efficient as possible is key to being a successful real estate agent or broker.


Utilizing advanced technology and your daily marketing tools, like your website, will provide more time for you to prospect and close deals.


So if your website isn’t capable of handling some work for you, then maybe it is high time to consider some of the newest technology to make your life easier as a real estate agent.


Implementing automation for the daily tasks that were once very time consuming, has eased and simplified agents’ workloads. As technology advances, agents are always looking for ways to reduce their workload and have tasks seamlessly automated.


We have listened to the needs of agents regarding efficiency and are pleased to announce the arrival of the MLS Agent Mapping add-on.


This efficient technology is now available and is part of Realtyna’s Organic MLS Integration. This add-on automatically assigns listings to agents directly from the MLS data that is synced to the website. This is one task that needed automation.


To learn more about this efficient technology, please click here.