
Why We Do What We Do: America’s Mighty Warriors and Allaso Ranch

Real Estate Agent with The Luxe Team

allaso ranchThe Luxe Home Team likes to have fun. A lot of fun. We really get into the business side of life - helping our clients to buy and sell real estate. We love exceeding client expectations.

But there’s much more to our business than just real estate.

Especially when you stop to consider that life has gotten real for people like Debbie Lee. You might not know who she is, but you will. 

Debbie is the mother of Navy SEAL Marc Lee, tAlasso Ranch Debbie Leehe first SEAL to make the ultimate sacrifice in Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Marc died in a fierce firefight in Ramadi, Iraq, on August 2, 2006. If you’ve watched the movie American Sniper, you s
aw a reenactment of Marc’s death and the valor with which he sacrificed his life. Marc was posthumously awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with Valor, as well as a Purple Heart.

Marc’s mom, Debbie, was understandably devastated. But instead of hating her way through the unbelievable pain of losing her son, she turned to-wards the good. Debbie formed the support group America’s Mighty Warriors because she wanted to help injured service members and the families of service members killed in action to recover and to receive vital services such as counseling. 

allaso ranch logoDuring this time, Debbie partnered with Allaso Ranch—on an annual basis—to bring to Allaso Ranch injured service members and the families of service members who had made the ulti-mate sacrifice for a one week retreat.

It warms our hearts to see how Debbie Lee was able to turn towards the good by focusing on the needs of others. And it opened our eyes to some of the incredible work that Allaso Ranch is doing to make life better for those it serves. More importantly, it got us thinking. About what we’re doing, why                                       we are here, and what we ought to be doing.

The reality is, beyond real estate, we serve a larger purpose… and a higher power. Our faith plays a role in everything we do - from the way we interact with clients to the way we treat our fellow citizens on the street. Maybe you’re into faith; maybe you’re not. Regardless, you can understand that each and every one of us is motivated to good… for one reason or another.


What We Do That Keeps Us Moving Towards the Good
Each and every member of the The Luxe Homes Team has embraced our greater good… and this all came about when we realized that there are lots of local kids who don’t get to experience much good in their lives—beyond the daily grind of survival.

A chance encounter opened our eyes to the reality that lots of kids spend their summers on the streets… and have never gotten a chance to have fun away from the urban sprawl that is their daily existence.

It’s easy for us to get swept up in our daily lives—meeting new people, getting deals done, and all the rest that comes from living lives (mostly) away from the challenges faced on a daily basis by those not blessed with “plenty”. When we noticed what was going on, we wanted to help.

The question is, what could we as a team do to help kids? And what would be the best use of our resources to help the biggest number of kids possible? luxe homes team


The Luxe Home Team Plan for Moving Towards the Good
After much thought and deliberation, we discovered that most disadvantaged kids have their basic needs covered. But there was a gaping whole in their ability to get away from the city even for a short time. This is where the Luxe Homes Team Summer Camp Program comes in. The reality is, while these kids (for the most part) have their daily needs met, the concept of summer camp is foreign to them.We refuse to collectively shrug our shoulders and say, “That’s a shame. And it’s too bad…” There are massive problems facing our society. It would be easy to think that there isn’t much we can do about it. After all, summer camp is an expensive proposition that is beyond the means of many. We disagree. We can do a lot. It begins by helping one kid at a time with scholarships that will help them to experience summer camp just like so many other kids.

The Luxe Homes Team’s Allaso Ranch Solution:
One Kid at a Time 

You may not know it but area kids can experience an incredible summer camp through an innovative program available at Allaso Ranch. Imagine countless kids being able to:

• Feel the sheer exhilaration of the from alassoranch.comwind rushing through their hair as they rush down a zip line course at warp speed
• Experience the joys of horseback riding
• Take unending rides on Lazy River and enjoy a professional-grade water park
• See what it is like to stay in a luxurious lodge-style facility
• Enjoy healthy, nutritious meals lovingly prepared by trained staff

This is fun on an epic level—for any kid. But when you consider that many of the kids served by Allaso Ranch have never gotten a chance to spend substantial time in a beautiful setting amidst the beauty and splendor of nature, this is a very big deal for the kids we can help.


The Greater Good is About People: Luxe Homes Team is Here to Serve Building on the Good with… Even More Good
In addition to the financial challenges in enabling disadvantaged kids to participate in Allaso Ranch’s innovative programs is a lack of adequate space for potential campers. As a result, we also want to to help Allaso Ranch to expand their dormitory space which will enable even more kids to attend.

How We Send Kids to Allaso Ranch for Summer Camp
The Luxe Homes Team wants to do our allaso ranchpart to enable disadvantaged youth to experience the thrills and joys of summer camp. So we’re opening our wallets.

The Luxe Homes Team donates at least $500 from every closed transaction to the programs at Allaso Ranch. This will help Allaso Ranch to expand their programs so that no kid will ever be deprived of an                                                         incredible summer camp experience because of an inability to pay.

While there’s a long way to go, these donations add up and have already helped. In time, even more kids will be helped through the programs of Allaso Ranch…which will help us in our mission of doing more for the greater good.

As you can see, The Luxe Home team is in much more than the real estate business. We believe we are in the people business. And we want to help as many as possible!

Ray Rice, The Luxe Homes Team


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LUXE HOMES TEAM @ Keller Williams Realty
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850 E Hwy 114, Southlake, Texas 76092
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