
How Does Garbage Work in Newtown, CT?

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Realty RES.0761631

How Does Garbage Work in Newtown, CT?  Unlike other places that we've lived, there is no town garbage pickup for household garbage.  Well, that's not completely true.

The town does pick up recyclables once a week out on the street.  You can get a small recyclable container from the town - it's closer to a bucket than to a garbage can - and it has the town's emblem on it.  It's a cute container, but it doesn't really hold much.  Replacement and new resident bins are free.  

For household waste, you have a choice:Garbage in Newtown, CT

  1. Bring it to the Town Dump.  You can buy a weekly pass, a monthly pass or an annual pass.  They have different areas at the dump for different types of trash.  Some items, like cardboard and electronics, you can drop off for free.
  2. You can hire a local company to pick your trash up weekly.  There are a few to choose from and pick up rates vary.

Every Spring, there is a special couple of days where you can bring hazardous waste to the town.  Hazardous waster is batteries, paint, etc.  Keep an eye on The Newtown Bee in the Spring, for the specific dates. 

We hope that we answered your questions on how does garbage work in Newtown, CT.

Contact us if you need a recommendation for a local company to pick up your trash.  


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Bob and Richelle Ward, Realtors, Newtown, CT

Bob and Richelle Ward - The Ward Team
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Bob's Cell: 203 470-9818  l  Richelle's Cell: 203 470-9819
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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Serving the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale Metropolitan Area - Scottsdale, AZ
Coldwell Banker Realty

Hi Bob and Richelle Ward!

Thanks for a great post about how garbage works in Newtown, CT!

We have never lived in an area where there is no trash pick up - very interesting!

We like your writing style!

We wish you great success with your blog posts and networking with other members of Active Rain!

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Jul 26, 2016 04:57 AM