Picking the wrong town can mean your property taxes keep going up every year. Property taxes go up when there is poor planning in town hall budgets. And the number of buildings in your town that are not on the tax roll make a huge impact, buildings such as hospitals, schools and churches.
Some towns in Connecticut have seen property tax increases, but this year for 2016 Milford, Connecticut has dropped its Mill rate from 27.88 to 27.84 for the 2016-2017 tax year. However, this is only the second time taxes have gone down in the last 30 years (CT Post). http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Milford-tax-rate-goes-down-a-little-7468222.php
Other places like Milford, Connecticut 06460 have a huge commercial base that contributes and hereby reduces the tax burden on homeowners.
Milford covers 22 square miles in New Haven County. There are approximately 21,199 households*
The median household income for Milford, Connecticut is $80,743, where the median for the state is $69,899*
The five largest employers are; Servicom llc, Schick-Wilkinson Sword, Doctor’s Associates Inc, Milford Hospital, Subway World Headquarters
And the top five contributor’s on the Grand list are;
Connecticut Post Mall $135,310,262
Connecticut Light and Power $109,403,339
Milford Crossing Investors $61,950,000
Wolff $51,316,641
JP Construction $28,200,980
Total: $6,440,527,586*
July 2016 Market Report for Milford, Connecticut
405 Actives homes for sale on the Multiple listing service
343 homes have closed in the last 180 days
163 homes are under contract in the last 180 days