Many people that have come to this Wonderful Country have sacrificed many things, let me explain.
When somebody has come to the United States after being born in a foreign land, regardless of country of origin, culture, creed, education and status most likely there has been a reason, a reason that has obligated that person to give up many things in their country of origin. For many, it is to offer our families our children a safe environment free from kidnappings, violence, and the imminent threat of being killed without a reason.
Many of us that come to the United States leave behind family, our professions, careers our businesses, friends and many things that identify us as individuals and as a person.
I am not complaining, and many like myself don’t complain, we adjust, we learn to live within the American system, we go back to school, we create another professional persona in this country, we work hard to be successful, we build new friendships, we are a vibrant part of communities so we can provide a better life for ourselves and children.
Please don’t think we are not thankful to be in this Country of freedom and Opportunity, but it is a huge sacrifice, it is not easy, it is not cheap, it comes with a price that not many understand.
Personally I was very lucky to have been born as an American Citizen, but when I came here I did not understand the system, I was no longer a licensed Architect with a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Development; my license and education was not reorganized or valid, my vast experience as an international consultant in the development of territories, design of cities and systems of mass transportation had no relevance; I needed to provide for my family, and it was a challenge to get a job a meaningful job, I was told “you are overqualified” I know many of who come to the US get the same response. Well I created a New Professional persona, I now have a great life, I have a growing Real Estate Business, my Son is now a young successful Chemical Engineer.
This has come with great sacrifice and yes I absolutely miss family, friends, culture, smells, colors and customs from Colombia, but the US has become home, my home and my families home.
I ask, please understand all those that come into the US with good intentions, to provide a better future for themselves and for their families, and work hard to have the honor and privilege to be called American Citizens.
This is not an easy journey, what would you do if you had to leave your country, everything you know, many of your belongings, your friends, family, your job, culture, many of the things that make who you are...