ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL: The 54th Annual Stone Harbor Arts & Crafts Festival takes place this weekend, August 6th & 7th. More than 200 artisans from a dozen states will display their work at the 80th Street Recreation Fields. The show runs from 9am to 5pm on Saturday, and 9am to 4pm Sunday. Complimentary shuttle service will run from a half-hour before the show until a half-hour after on each day to ease traffic and parking. Designated pickup locations include 60th Street & Dune Drive, 81st Street & the bay, 94th Street & Second Avenue, 95th Street & Second Avenue, 96th Street & First Avenue, 98th Street & Second Avenue, and 123rd Street & Second Avenue. A FEDERALLY FUNDED BEACH REPLENISHMENT project is out for bids, according to Avalon Business Administrator Scott Wahl, who recently reported to Avalon Council. The project will benefit both Avalon and Stone Harbor, with a hoped for October 1st start. Stay tuned for more details! A hot, humid summer afternoon gives way to a peaceful evening, as the last crescent of the sun slips below the horizon. “YOUR MAJESTY, THERE IS NO SECOND.” That report was allegedly delivered to the Queen of England in 1851, as the original yacht “America” crossed the finish line, with her competitors still not even in sight. After being awarded a silver cup for her victory, the tradition of the “America’s Cup” sailing competition was born. A replica of the original “America,” said to be the fastest sailing yacht built in her time, will sail into Cape May Harbor later this month, and dock at South Jersey Marina August 30th & 31st. Public tours of the yacht will be available, along with afternoon sails. For more information or tickets, visit NEW AT THE ZOO! The Cape May County Zoo—recognized as one of the top zoos in the country—has some new improvements to make it even better. For example, the zoo’s snow leopards received a new habitat over the winter, and an Asian Amur leopard has received a special cage. For adventurous souls, try the new Tree to Tree Adventure Park that recently opened, featuring four adventure courses and a zipline course (visit for info & tickets.) CONGRATULATIONS TO AVALON BEACH PATROL on defending its title at the Dave Kerr Memorial, held this past weekend in Avalon. Avalon BP scored 22 points, well ahead of Longport’s second place finish at 11 points. UPCOMING EVENTS:
- Avalon’s Baby Parade, 21st Street & Ocean Drive to Veteran’s Plaza, 6PM, Thursday, August 4
- Avalon’s Thursdays on Dune Concert featuring Loud ‘N Clear, Veteran’s Plaza in Avalon, 7PM, Thursday, August 4
- Thursdays on the Lawn Concert featuring Bob Campanel, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Stone Harbor, 7:30PM, Thursday, August 4
- Stone Harbor’s Arts & Crafts Festival, Stone Harbor Recreation Field, 9AM-4PM, Saturday & Sunday, August 6 & 7
- Stone Harbor Bird Sanctuary Tour led by a Wetlands Institute docent, meet at the Egret Espy Trail entrance at 114th Street & Second Avenue, 10AM, Saturday & Sunday, August 6 & 7
- Cape Regional Home & Health Show, Avalon Elementary School, 9AM-2PM, Saturday, August 6
- Cape Regional 7 Mile Island Designer Home Tour, call 609-463-4040 for info & tickets, 11AM-4PM, Saturday, August 6
- Big Band Dance featuring The Star Band, Avalon Community Center, 7PM, Saturday, August 6
- Stone Harbor Farmer’s Market, 95th Street Water Tower Plaza, 8AM-12:30PM, Sunday, August 7
- Stone Harbor’s Family Night featuring the Sciencetellers, Stone Harbor Fire House, 7PM, Monday, August 8
- Stone Harbor’s Tuesdays at the Tower featuring The Seabillys, 95th Street Water Tower Plaza, 7PM, Tuesday, August 9
- Avalon’s Big Beach Movie featuring Norm of the North, 30th Street & the beach, dusk, Tuesday, August 9
- Stone Harbor Museum presents ‘On the Way to Cape May’ lecture titled The Making of a Barrier Island by Randy Bauer, Avalon History Center, 7PM, Wednesday, August 10
- Stone Harbor Family Movie Night on the Lawn featuring The Lego Movie, Stone Harbor Elementary School, 8PM, Wednesday, August 10
- Avalon’s Thursdays on Dune Concert featuring Jersey Sound, Veteran’s Plaza in Avalon, 7PM, Thursday, August 11
- Thursdays on the Lawn Concert featuring Jim Bannach, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Stone Harbor, 7:30PM, Thursday, August 11
- South Jersey Lifeguard Championship Races, Avalon, 6:30PM, Friday, August 12
- American Legion Post #331 in Stone Harbor’s Pancake Breakfast, Stephen Ludlam Post at the NW corner of 117th Street & Second Avenue, 8AM, Saturday, August 13
- Avalon Home & Land Owners Association Annual Meeting, Avalon Community Hall, 9:30AM, Saturday, August 13
- Bay Atlantic Symphony Concert, Avalon Elementary School, 7PM, Saturday, August 13
- Stone Harbor Surf & Turf 5 Miler, Stone Harbor Recreation Field, registration at 6:45AM, race starts at 8AM, Sunday, August 14
- Cape May Traditional Jazz Society Presents Traditional Jazz concert, proceeds donated to the Food Bank of Southern Jersey, VFW Post #386 at 419 Congress Street in Cape May, 2PM, Sunday, August 14
- Avalon’s Big Beach Movie featuring Pan, 30th Street & the beach, dusk, Tuesday, August 16
- Cape May Lighthouse Full Moon Climb, call 609-884-5404 for info, Thursday, August 18
Featured Property: Enjoy great views from this Avalon Manor Bayfront home! 628 Avalon Boulevard, Avalon Manor, $579,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171387 New Listings: 7 Meadow View, Avalon Manor, $399,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171560 401 21st Street, Avalon, $499,999, ACTIVE MLS#: 171496 704 Avalon Blvd, Avalon Manor, $895,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171535 302 42 Streets, Avalon, $925,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171529 161 10th Street, Avalon, $1,150,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171532 199 11th Street, Avalon, $1,799,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171478 442 24th Street, Avalon, $2,195,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171512 262 66th Street, Avalon, $2,549,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171530 15 94th Street, Stone Harbor, $3,295,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 171483 Properties Sold: 7900 Dune Drive, Avalon, $272,500, SOLD MLS#: 170061 8300 Second Avenue, Stone Harbor, $576,375, SOLD MLS#: 170762 1116 Stone Harbor Blvd #105, Stone Harbor Manor, $620,000, SOLD MLS#: 169116 4128 E Ocean Drive, Avalon, $760,000, SOLD MLS#: 169489 543 21st Street, Avalon, $1,079,167, SOLD MLS#: 162457 222 108TH ST, Stone Harbor, $1,225,000, SOLD MLS#: 170396 238 47th Street, Avalon, $1,550,000, SOLD MLS#: 170678 16 E 10th Street, Avalon, $2,150,000, SOLD MLS#: 168752