
Just Sold Postcards – Circle Prospecting Without the Phone

Services for Real Estate Pros

With a million and one pushy agents all calling the same list, the traditional method of cold call prospecting has become an uphill battle. However, there’s a much better way to reach your audience with targeted messages: Just Sold Postcards. How come? With so many new agents ignoring them, they work better than ever now.


So when is it right to send them? The best time is most likely right after you close, so they hear it from your first. Remember though, you don’t want to overwhelm them with postcards after every close. Consider grouping together several closings on one postcard and send one out every quarter. Your prospect will be impressed and appreciate how considerate you are of their wants.


Since so many agents are focusing their marketing dollars online these days, try traditional techniques, like just sold postcards, to cut through the noise. Make sure your postcards are well written, well designed, and delivered to the right homes in your farm area in order to get the best return on your investments.


If you want to learn more about what goes into Just Sold Postcards, head on over to Fit Small Business and read the article.