List to sell? or List to sit? I'm a licensed Realtor, selling my own home.
Sellers most of the time want to list higher than the agent recommends. So, I didn't put the price on my house, I had very experience agents in my office do it and both came up with the same number. I ended up in multiple offer situation..never expecting it to even get an offer that fast (4days). Back to the listing price my husband wanted to put it on the market at a higher price, but I wouldn't do it. I never thought with that price range, in my area we would get close to the asking price. Highest priced house in the neighborhood and it went over the asking price.
I'm glad it went fast, getting it ready to show, take the dog and leave the house...I had to only do it 1 time and the 2nd time the buyers that made one of the first offers wanted to bring their agent back to see it. They showed up the next day after the listing went active. The were driving by slowly, so I asked them if they wanted to see it, and they did and they had been working with an agent for 2 years. They came with their agent and made the offer, than another offer came in so we went highest and best. Than one of the other showings the agent contacted me daily to see if it appraised, which it did. ( His clients wanted it to).
Keep in mind, agents only give a comp reports to similar homes in your area. We do not set the price, the buyers do. What a buyer is willing to pay is what the home is worth, and what a seller is willing to sell for. So, I asked my husband do you want to list to sell or list to sit? The goal here is to sell.
When your ready to sell, give me a call!