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5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

Services for Real Estate Pros with RealSupport Inc.

Real estate agents know that being busy and being productive can be two different things! Fortunately, there are some easy ways to gain control of your day. Here are a few tips we've selected from Inc. magazine, along with suggestions of our own!

1. Take a client-centric approach to your business. Being proactive is less time-consuming than being reactive! Communicate consistently, and provide information and updates without waiting for your clients to ask. When a home is under contract, provide transaction management that monitors each step of the process. If an issue should arise, take point on solving the problem, or contacting the people who can. 

2. Plan your workday by your top priorities. If you've read the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" you already know about A, B and C-lists. But not everything can be on your "A" list! Choose your priorities carefully, and focus on what is really important: your clients and your income-producing activities.

3. Operate on your strengths. Rare is the real estate agent who can do everything on their own. Spend your energies where you are the most effective, and outsource the rest. Whether you choose to hire, train and manage in-house assistants, or use an online professional marketing team, you'll find success when you leverage  your strengths.

4. Schedule and batch routine tasks, and use automation where feasible. It isn't realistic to catch every single email "live" as it comes in. Using an auto-responder to acknowledge the message, and to communicate expectations for your response, can free up critical time. Check your email in batches during certain times of the day, rather than let every message interrupt you. 

5. Refuse distractions. When you are working on your A-list priorities, income-producing activities or lead generation, do not let yourself become sidetracked by the Internet's world of amusements. This doesn't mean you can't take breaks, but don't cheat your own valuable time. 

Need a little help? The experts at RealSupport are here for your copywriting, marketing, social media needs and more! Contact us today for your personal consultation.

Bonita Breit

Copywriting & Marketing Specialist

RealSupport, Inc.