West Chester Ohio Real Estate Information
Real estate market data for West Chester, Ohio provided by Marty Snyder of Ownerland Realty.
West Chester Ohio Home Prices
We have seen several months of listing price increases on home prices in West Chester and don’t expect things to slow down anytime soon. If you are considering buying a home, you can still find deals on a house in West Chester but having a good real estate agent who understands the market is a must.
Don’t sit on the sidelines for too long, many of our listings are starting to sell within a few days of hitting the market. As you can see from the graph below, listings are not selling exactly for asking price. To make sure you don't overpay for your home, you'll want to have an agent that does a thorough market analysis of the West Chester home on which you are making an offer.
Low inventory in West Chester has multiple offers coming in on homes similar to what we saw back in 2007. I wouldn't expect home prices to run up quite as fast as they did back then as banks have gotten a lot stricter on lending guidelines and are no longer giving a loan to anyone with a pulse. But low inventory is one indicator that prices should continue to rise.
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West Chester Real Estate Report Summary
The median SOLD amount in August for single family homes in West Chester was $224,500 with 84 sales being recorded in the Cincinnati MLS.
(median means that half of the homes sold for less and half of them sold for more)
The median SOLD price in July for single family homes in West Chester was $250,000 with 91 sales being recorded in the Cincinnati MLS.
Find Homes for Sale in West Chester OH
Visit my website to search for homes in West Chester or to be notified when West Chester homes come on the market. http://www.swohiorealestate.com/west-chester.php
To find out what you home is worth in the current market email me or call 513-292-9374