I marvel at the ability to edit photos these days. When I was younger there was no need to "touch up" my photograph. That is not the case now. Whenever I have my photo taken, call it what it is...vanity takes over. I immediately utilize the "edit" option on my iPhone to improve on those little imperfections that have crept in the past few years. LOL
Eight years ago I looked like this..
Fast forward and with a lot of help from my ability to achieve that air brush appearance, I look like this! No deep wrinkles and frown lines. The glow effect is one of my favorite options.
The same effects can be done with photos of homes on the market. It is amazing to see the house on-line, but when you see it with clients, the house doesn't appear to be so fresh, bright and big.
I recently took out a very nice couple to look at homes they had selected as their favorites they found on-line. However, when they actually saw the homes they stated they sure didn't match the photos. You hear this alot from people who try to find a compaion on the dating web sites. When they finally meet the person that has caught their attention, they sure don't look like their photo!
Have a great day where ever life has you at the moment and use that editing feature on your phone!