I started the week writing an offer on a home that my buyers have been eyeing for months. It's been on the market for A YEAR! Who knew apparently several other people have been eyeing it as well and lo and behold another offer came in 'slightly' cleaner than ours. No counters nothing, Sellers took the other offer. We wrote or attempted to write 3 more offers this week, either losing them to buyers removing contengecis, not coming together on the deal, or the other one that was the best, and offer being accepted by the seller 5 minutes after we walked out the door. These offers would have netted me about 8-9,000 in commission.
Today was originally set to show an out of state buyer homes all day in the 300,000 price range (great for our area). So I was looking forward somewhat to a hectic and tiring weekend of showing property. He called two weeks ago and said alas his home has not sold and he should just rent. Hey I've been working via e-mail with this guy for two months so I was determined to continue with my quest.
I've scoured town looked for an upscale single family rental that he could rent. There are VERY FEW, I'm thinking MAYBE 6 in the whole town. I was worried about meeting him, he had very specific needs, I was worried that there just was nothing to show him.
I picked him up at his hotel at 9:00 we were done by 1:00 with a beautiful high-end home for his family to rent for the next year! He was incredible pleasant, and a joyful way to spend my morning. In the end I'll get about $300 maybe, but what made this worth so much more than that was the happy topping to my weekend, the satisfaction that I was able to assist him and knowing I'd done everything in my power to pull it off for him.
Sometimes the joy and satisfaction of a job well done is PRICELESS!