Kwee, there have been some famous individuals who have weighed in on this issue.
Why that might even create another vacancy on the Supreme Court if Associate Justice Ginsburg acts on her promise to head to the Caribbean if Mr. Trump is elected.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Kwee, the silver lining is that this election could free up inventory!
Bruce Walter
West Lafayette, IN
I'm smiling at your post, and I'm laughing at the comment left by Patricia Kennedy . . .Hilarious!
I'm making a bet right now. Just as soon as this campaign season is over, a new campaign will begin. There's far too much money in the Political Industrial Complex for it not to happen. If you are weary, exhausted, or amused now, you can only wonder who the next group of candidates may be.
How did America get like this? Oh, I remember, "Citizens United."
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bruce Walter
West Lafayette, IN
Where will they go. Susan Emo says that Canada does not want them
Bruce Walter
West Lafayette, IN
haha.. well there is a market for almost anything today.. espectially for buyers of one that will be sellers from another
Hello Kwee
Cute post and I did see your post on Google+ ...
Nobodies going anywhere and it's all a bunch of bull crap I am not much for politics unless someone decides to vote for Vegas Bob instead of either one of these clowns and your post has been featured to the group:
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Kwee, I so missed this one! Too cute. I said I was leaving town after the election, which I did, but only for vacation.