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Get your IRS Tax Rebate Check NOW… well, soon!
The Lakeland Ledger had a great article for Florida residents who can’t wait to receive their IRS Stimulus Checks.
To the right you’ll see a great graphic they have on the website that is interactive and will tell you generally when to expect your check via Direct Deposit or by Check. You can only receive your money via Direct Deposit if you filed your taxes to receive your tax refund via Direct Deposit - otherwise look forward to waiting a little while for the IRS to process your check.
The system is based on your Social Security Number. You can hover your mouse over the numerical range where the last two digits of your SSN are and it will give you a date....
Boynton Beach Florida seeks Brownfield Designation for CRA
Boynton Beach Florida is again the subject of controversy regarding land use and zoning. This time the city commission is requesting a Brownfield Designation for the Boynton Beach CRA area in hopes of reviving the opportunity for development there.
A Brownfield is a site of actual or perceived environmental contamination. Typically Brownfields are found at the locations of former gas stations, dry cleaners or industrial plants where contaminants may seep into the soil. Developers usually stay away from the cost and the potential liability of environmental clean-ups or EPA fines… but a Brownfield Designation incents Developers to clean up or even gives tax credits to a Developer that has already cleaned up a Brownfield area.
Hillary Clinton and the US Mortgage Crisis»
In Wednesday night’s Democratic Presidential Candidate debate, Senator Hillary Clinton mentioned a horrifying number…
Sen. Clinton was answering a question regarding the economy and the foreclosure crisis and mentioned that the Mortgage Bankers Association has spent $185,000,000 (yes… that’s million) on lobbyists. These lobbyists have bent every ear in the House and Senate for years to help the banking industry skate by on lack of disclosure, mismanagement and investor gains for years at the expense of the consumer.
Presidential Debates, Tax Reform, Capital Gains and Real Estate
Wow… that is a lot of topics. There was a lot of good fodder in the Democratic debate from Philadelpia last night. There was a lot of talk about Iraq, the Military and the Bush Cabinet’s fiscal policies.
The really interesting part that relate to the world of real estate when the Charlie Gibson questioned […]
Real Estate Investment - Gross Rent Multiplier Formula»
When deciding on a purchasing a Real Estate Investment there are several major factors to discuss.
One of them is Asset Class… you may want to invest in Apartments, Industrial/Warehouse Properties, Office Buildings or any number of other types of properties.
When you finally decide on what you are going to buy, you need to be able to do the financial analysis to figure out if the property you are buying has positive investment potential. That means that it is priced right and it cash flows.
If you are interested in Multifamily Properties … otherwise known as Apartments… then one formula you may use to analyze properties is called the Gross Rent Multiplier Formula.
Investment Properties should CASH FLOW»
A fundamental of buying Real Estate as an Investment is CASH FLOW.
Despite the profitable years of “Buy and Flip“, during our current Real Estate Economy, “Buy and Hold” is what investors need to be prepared for… which means that somehow these properties need to pay for themselves while the Investor holds onto them.
Whether you […]
Short Sales - when you do NOT need one!»
“Short Sales” is the hot catch phase these days in Florida. Everyone in Real Estate and Mortgages talks about them… and for different reasons.
As a Florida Mortgage Professional, I get calls and emails all the time from worried homeowners wondering if they should start Short Sale Proceedings.
There are a few ways to decide whether […]
Short Sales - Where Does the Rest of the Money Go??»
Thinking about a Short Sale got you frustrated?
One common question that comes up quite often in discussing Short Sales with people who call me with questions is:
If my Mortgage is for $150,000 and the Short Sale is for $100,000, what happens to the $50,000??
Well… good question. Believe it or not if you structure the Short […]
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