Here is a snapshot of the current real estate market for residential real estate in Wake County.
Distressed inventory | Down 43% from August 2015. |
Resale inventory | Down 15% from August 2015. |
Average sales price | Up 4% from August 2015 and up a total of 16% over August of 2012. |
Average Days on Market | 31, down from 35 in August 2015. 74% of listings sell in the first 30 days. |
Closed sales in August | Up 13% over August 2015. |
Closed sales year-to-date | Up 7% over this point in 2015. |
Months of supply | 2 months' supply -- a Seller's Market. |
Comments | August showings were down 7% compared to July as the market moves through its seasonal pattern. Showings will decrease every month through December. |
Statistics from the T.A.R.R. Report, deemed reliable but not guaranteed. |