
Foreclosures and Short Sales - Newtown, CT Real Estate Market

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Realty RES.0761631

Foreclosures and Short Sales - Newtown, CT Real Estate Marketfdhnjm  This past Sunday, we had a late start to our real estate day.  While enjoying our morning coffee, we read an interesting article in the Danbury NewsTimesState foreclosure numbers still above national average.  This article was no surprise to us, but it's always nice to see in wriitng what we see out there in the real estate world.  As with many things we read, this article got us to thinking ...

Last year in August, we posted a blog comparing the # of short sales to the # of foreclosures here in Newtown, CT.  At that time, we commented that the # of foreclosures had increased over the # of short sales and took this as a sign that our market was finally shaking out the distressed properties.

We went back to see if the what we saw in our August post held true for the rest of 2015 and how distressed sales were fairing so far in 2016.  Here's a graph to show you:

Newtown, CT Short Sales vs Foreclosures

Wow!  Look at the number of foreclosures sold in Newtown, CT  in 2015!  The number of foreclosures in 2015 increased over 50% from 2014 while the number of short sales remained the same as 2014 and 2013.   It will be interesting to see how 2016 finishes up.  Foreclosures and Short Sales - Newtown, CT Real Estate Market



Posted by

Bob and Richelle Ward, Realtors, Newtown, CT

Bob and Richelle Ward - The Ward Team
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Bob's Cell: 203 470-9818  l  Richelle's Cell: 203 470-9819
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George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Bob and Richelle unfortunately we still have several Short Sales and Foreclosures through out the state.  Hope that changes soon.

Sep 30, 2016 10:37 AM