Around the Phoenix area, billboards are popping up that are a bit different . The billboards state something like " "Mattress stores are greedy. Learn the truth."
I've seen these around town and wondered what business they represented. So this time, I decided to check it out. Checking their website answered my querry!
Tuft & Needle is a relatively new company founded in 2012 by two young men who thought there was a better way to make mattresses. Leaving their jobs in Palo Alto, California, they opened up shop in the warehouse district in Phoenix. Their concept is entirely different from other mattress stores, thanks to their own disappointing experiences.
Have you ever heard of a mattress you can take home and try out, returning it if you don't like it? Me neither! And their mattresses are very affordable. They have low overhead, sales people are not on commission, and best of all everything is made in the US. Employing American workers keeps more dollars in the US.
These young men are modern day business pioneers who have created a product that is innovative, unique and drastically less than other mattress manufacturers. They have no investors and are the number one mattress in the bedroom section of Amazon.
And don't forget about the returned mattresses. They donate them to charity. Watch for copycats because if this genius business takes off, others will try to mimic the concept because it's just that good!
Congrats guys on creating a business that makes so much sense that it's the KISS concept done right.