
A Visit to Municipal Offices - Why Not Make It A Standard Practice?

Home Inspector with EKAN Home Inspection CPBC #69177

In my EKAN home inspection business areas of North Vancouver and West Vancouver, many of the pre-1970’s homes have had major renovations. Whenever I encounter a reno and especially an addition to or extension of the floor area, I always encourage my clients to visit the municipal offices and do some data mining.


It’s important to know that the renovation was done in compliance to code requirements and with a competent contractor. The municipality will have on-file the following permits: building, electrical, plumbing, heating, drainage and sprinklers. In addition, there should be building plans available.


The knowledge gained from the above data review may not make-or-break any deal, but it can provide a buyer with risk considerations of future issues (such as latent defects or faults) that could not have been discovered by a reasonably thorough inspection before the sale.



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EKAN Home & Property Inspections

Sunshine Coast, North Vancouver, West Vancouver