
Can the Right Door Hanger Get You More Leads?

Services for Real Estate Pros

In a recent article on Fit Small Business we discussed the lead generation potential that comes with door hangers.  As some of you may or may not know back in 2013 Joshua Smith was voted by the Wall Street Journal as the 30th top realtor. The origin to this is quite interesting. It starts with 10k door hangers in a local farm area and ends with closing 463 listings worth $49million. 


We want to be clear, there is no pomise that you will get the same results as Joshua Smith but this guide can give you the tools needed to get more leads from real estate door hangers. 


The article starts with an explanation of why door hangers have the potential to work better than direct mail. Some of the advantages listed that come with using a door hanger as opposed to direct mail include


  • Visibility – While a postcard in a stack of bills is very easy to ignore, a piece of paper hanging from your doorknob is not. If they want to get in their house they will have to at least look at it.
  • Novelty –  Many people are so used to receiving marketing materials in the mail that they instinctively don’t even read them before throwing them away. Since door hangers are more rare, people might at least read them quickly instead of throwing them straight in the garbage.
  • Flexibility – With direct mail or EDDM, you have many limitations on the size, shape, and content of what you can send. You can sender larger or oddly shaped materials to your farm area, but you’ll double your distribution costs. With door hangers, there are almost no restrictions at all. You can staple business cards to them, include bags with fridge magnets or pamphlets, all while keeping your distribution costs the same.

If you want to know more about the benefits of utilizing door hangers and why Fit Small Business recommends utilizing ProspectPLUS! you can read the full article on the Fit Small Business website.